
Autism Diagnostic Assessments:


AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (ASD), including Asperger’s Syndrome, is a type of neurodevelopmental disorders. It is a lifelong diagnosis. With the right kind of support, people with ASD often lead successful and fulfilling lives. However, there are particular areas of their lives where they experience genuine barriers:


Managing social situations and social interactions;

Communicating with other people, and;

Developing and maintaining social relationships.


Additionally, people with ASD may find it hard to cope with changes and rely on extraordinarily strict routines to manage their lives. Some have very intense interests in certain areas, and dedicate most of their energy and time in pursuing these interests. Sensory sensitivities (e.g. sensitivity to light, sounds, textures) are also frequently reported amongst people with ASD.


When to consider an Autism Diagnostic Assessment?

If you experience the aforementioned symptoms, it would be helpful to explore an Autism Diagnostic Assessment and see if a diagnosis of ASD is a useful way of understanding your difficulties.


Who will carry out the assessment?


You will meet with one of the clinic psychologists who specialises in ASD. All of these psychologists are formally trained in autism diagnostic assessments and employ a range of ‘gold standard’ autism diagnostic tools. They have extensive clinical experience of assessing people with ASD across the lifespan.


What to expect at an Autism Diagnostic Assessment?


An Autism Diagnostic Assessment is a comprehensive process. It usually requires at least three hour-long meetings. We will explore different aspects of your life, before arriving at a diagnostic conclusion. Your clinician will go through each step of the diagnostic assessment with you.

Typically, an Autism Assessment will comprise of the following:


A clinical interview to understand your current difficulties and early life experiences;

A social communication observation assessment, and;

(If available), a developmental history interview with a parent or an informant interview with a person who knows you well.

Sometimes, we may require additional assessment meetings to gather further information, and we will discuss this with you.


What to expect at the Feedback Session?

After we have gathered all the necessary information, we will meet again to discus the diagnostic outcome. We will discuss the diagnosis of ASD.


There are three possible outcomes:

You meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD

We will explore therapy options for your difficulties.

You do not meet the diagnostic criteria for ASD.

We will think about differential diagnoses or more appropriate ways of understanding your difficulties. We will also discuss the kind of help that you would benefit from.

We are not able to conclude at this stage

People may have experienced complex trauma or mental health difficulties. The effects on their well-being and functioning may need to be addressed before considering a neurodevelopmental diagnosis.


Ultimately, our aim is to find the best way to understand you and your needs, and identify the most helpful way forward for psychological interventions.