What is
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?
disorder is a common disorder in which the individual suffers from obsessive
thoughts and subsequently engages in compulsive activity to manage these
An obsession is
defined as an unwanted thought, image or urge that repeatedly enters the
person’s mind, causing feelings of anxiety, disgust or unease.
A compulsion is a
repetitive behaviour (which could also be mental) that someone feels they need
to carry out to relieve the unpleasant feelings brought on by the obsessive
OCD symptoms can vary
in terms of their severity. For some people these thoughts and compulsive
behaviours can take up to an hour of their day whereas for others it can take
over their life.
Symptoms of OCD
· Obsessions – where an
unwanted thought, image or urge repeatedly enters your mind
· Anxiety – the
obsession provokes intense anxiety and distress
· Compulsion –
repetitive behaviours or mental acts are performed to bring about relief to the
distress or anxiety
· Temporary relief – the
compulsive behaviour only brings about temporary relief but the anxiety and
obsession soon return
OCD manifests itself
in different ways but some common obsessions are fear of deliberately harming
yourself or others, fear of contamination by disease or infection, a need for
symmetry and orderliness. The compulsive behaviours people engage in can also
vary from counting, seeking reassurance repetitively, repeating words silently,
extensively overthinking, thinking ‘neutralising thoughts’, cleaning and hand
washing, checking and other behaviours.
Treatment for OCD
The most effective
treatment for OCD is cognitive behavioural therapy involving graded exposure
and response prevention, a therapy which focuses on experiencing the obsessive
thoughts without trying to ‘neutralise’ them with compulsive behaviour. On some
occasions if OCD is particularly severe it might be helpful to consider
medication options that might assist in the management of your symptoms. We
have experience in the psychological treatment of OCD and in offering
appropriate therapeutic techniques.