What is Addiction?
An individual suffers from an addiction when they become physically
or psychologically dependent on a substance or a particular activity despite
negative consequences on their life. Some of the symptoms of addiction include
excess use, inability to manage everyday life without the substance or
activity, mood swings, irritability, lying, change in performance and others.
There are different types of addiction listed below:
Substance misuse – repetitive
use of a substance in a way that is damaging for an individual and can lead to
dependence in a substance. Dependence involves developing a tolerance for the
substance over time and going through withdrawal symptoms without it. Examples
of substances that are often misused include:
· Alcohol
· Cannabis
· Cocaine
· Heroin
· Methamphetamines
· Club drugs
· Ecstacy
· Ketamine
· Nicotine
Behavioural addictions – Behaviours
can also become addictive. Similar to substances, behaviours become addictive
when used excessively to help the person cope with difficult thoughts and
feelings. Examples of addictive behaviours include compulsive shopping,
gambling, pornography, internet, eating and others.
Treatment for Addiction
If you decide to see a psychologist for your addiction, they will
take some time to understand the origins of your difficulties and will help you
develop alternative strategies for managing your life and building resilience.
The most effective treatments for addictions are motivational
interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).